Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Saturday, December 04, 2010

Gulmohar (35 mm) 10 min film trailer feedback

Please scroll down and fill the questionnaire - it is not a public form so feel free to write what you want. Your identity will be protected. You can use fake names and email ids. Just give real feedback.


First thoughts on seeing the trailer - what feeling did it generate? Describe.

Will you watch this film ?



What are your expectations from the movie? What do you understand about the main character and his feelings? Describe.

Why will you watch this movie ? What do you think is the story of the film?

If the prev question is negative then why will you NOT make efforts to watch this movie?

What all did you not like about the trailer - fonts, pacing ?

What all did you like about the trailer ?

Did we just waste your time by asking redundant questions :) ?



Still any Suggestions ? If you have seen the film - do you think the trailer does justice to it?

Email Address:

Your email address will not be used for spamming or sending emails from Nigeria. I appreciate your time on this bright sunday morning. Thanks from the bottom of my heart.

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