Saturday, October 28, 2006

hey wassup

A typical conversation:
"hey dude - Wassup"
"hey - Wassup"
(And no matter how much you are tempted to answer - "the ceiling" - you end the conversation there)
Well not very long ago - actually a year ago when I was new in US - I didnt know the right answer to this question - So used to say what I thought was the right answer. So a typical answer from my end was:
"You know I am looking for an apartment but I am not sure where to look and do you leave in east side and I want an apartment that is close by so that I can go easy on buying a car for myself so soon .."
and by that time the person would have either completely gone bored or disappeared. And then I would wonder - why are they asking me wassup if they really don't wanna know wassup!
And then I was told (by my inner voice) - "You know what - no one really cares about what your problems in life are because that's what they precisely are- your problems" - so next time when people asked "Wassup" I would say - "Its a beautiful day and the sun is bright".
And the other guy would go - "yeah and I went with my wife for fishing and the fish in that pond was x kgs heavy" (awright- he said x pounds)
And I would go "he he he he he he, he he he he he he" (this is called a fake laughter)(Just an unwanted tip - if you dunno what to say - just laugh - no wonder why I laugh so much - what did you say - he he he he he he, he he he he he he- okay got it ;) ).
So anyway as the days passed by - my inner voice had another suggestion for me - "You know what before the person asks wassup and you start wasting your creative juices on how to describe the weekend weather - you ask wassup first". So now the tables were turned:
The first person I saw, I said - "Hey" and he said "hey" and before that completed I said wassup and guess what he replied as - "wassup"! and from there evolved the most efficient protocol of greeting people :
God knows what happened to our simple old fashioned "Hi".


Sumit Sorde said...

R u ever online nowadays?

kakkajee said...

lol .. that was genuinely funny .. u r getting better at this, u know ;-D

arati kadav said...

@sumit 0 nopes - but mail me for anything

@kakkajee - :)- how are you bhai - lemme call you now.

Anonymous said...

this gives me a sense of deja vu..i was in u.s abt 2 yrs bk and visiting anushree and whenever she wud meet neone the followin wassup conversation ensued..i found it quite funny too..and really pulled her leg b4 realising that its the norm thr!!

arati kadav said...

@swarna - hey wow nice to hear from you - how are you - howz iim?

Anonymous said...

wassup :)- Sam

Anonymous said...

wassup :) -Sam

Anonymous said...

Twist in the tale...


Duh?? (I know, u really don't care ;))

arati kadav said...

@sam - seems like you replied to yourself ;)

@rahul bhagat - one thesis per life is my rate - not more than that - well i hope you understood most of it

@dhanush - Dude - you keep changing your name

Anonymous said...

'course, had to hunt this down.

arati kadav said...

who is strings??

Anonymous said...


arati kadav said...

well they say curiosity kills a cat

Anonymous said...

I hope no cats were killed in constructing that comment. Though I'm allergic to them, I don't like killing animals in general, unless I'm going to eat them.

arati kadav said...

so who is strings

Anonymous said...

An acquaintance. How does it matter? I like expressing my opinions via comments on blogs, instead of blogging myself. It's a new sport,and fast becoming an internet revolution. One develops an identity just by posting comments on various blogs. I'm thinking of ramping up a startup that allows one to link all their comments on every blog they visit and make that available for visiting, much like blogs.

No hyper-comments allowed however. At least not in my initial business proposal.