Sunday, September 02, 2007

Summer of Seattle

Right here sitting in my apartment (taking a break from a tea break with friends) I miss people I want to be with right now. I want them in the same surrounding - experience the same summer wind, the same lakeside, the same bustle as I do and I know that I will never be able to reconstruct the same situation ever in future - The imagination of this experience is there in my day-dreaming head but then it wasn't felt for real and never will it be ...
and then I wonder - what hurts more - the absence of people or the beauty of summer...

Addendum - enough rona dhona - heading back to Mary's


Abhishek said...

You should be happy you got summer - I spent whole of last two months with umbrella on top of my head.

Watch 'RCV ki aag' - will help you settle down :P

Alistair D'souza said...

capture it in photographs....

you can capture a 4-D world with a camera if you try :-)

Vik@$ said...

well said...but i wud say u r lucky atleast u have got summer...wat wud u say abt those who have neither beautiful summer nor close one's around them ?