Monday, November 26, 2007

the karma theory

My mom to her brother (both 50+) - Every action has equal and opposite reaction.
My uncle - Then you should do very very very bad things to everyone and then very very very good things will happen to you. Isn't that the opposite.
Ofcourse he was making fun of my mom. Basically what my mom wanted to say that what goes out comes back .
A per this theory everything should make sense in totality. But why sometimes this equation doesn't make sense in its sub-divided forms even if you try to get the global perspective? If you see a man suffering - is it because of bad karma? But what if the man suffering is sad and at that time is not being able to figure out why he is suffering? Why would I want to see a big picture over the 7 life times? I dont want to see.
And then in reality shouldn't things be perfect - the co-operating world - the equilibrium - but then one guy defected and then this other had to defect against him - but it should have ended there - unless multiple folks defected and we thought of redistributing the pairs - and it never ended - poora balance kharab ho gaya. Mother Teresa says- its not you versus me - it is you versus rest of the world.
That would mean that you hurt once and then one hurt would be inflicted upon you - may be from a random person. But then what about this random person who revenged?
And then again - what about people who hurt themselves. Every person committing suicide will probably have to be killed too to neutralize the defect he comitted albeit against himself .

Why do we think that always both side of the equations should be balanced -or the truth is that it is never balanced - and just keeps trying to balance itself in a continuum? Does the world thrive in this dissonance?


Alistair D'souza said...

all dots need not necessarily be connectable...

Aevi said...

was just wondering about the statement "every action has an equal n opposite reaction" as far as i remember this one was from Newton as a scientific law and the adage you are referring here is "As u sow, so shall you reap"
and then may be every person committing a murder may not be able to seek a peaceful death bed and may be with this aspect the equation seems to be a bit balanced

Siddhesh said...

As long as you can imagine that the equilibrium is maintained, but not necessarily between the same actors, a few things become clearer:

1) As far as you are concerned, you can do all the good and get screwed in turn, OR, you can screw everyone else in the world, and be rewarded for it

2) There's no point worrying about the equation - do good when you feel like, do bad if you up to it, and always be ready for life to be unfair to you!
