Don't even want to talk about scene 1
Nurse:"Wow that is lot of blood to take out. Do you pass out generally when you give blood?"
Voice in the head: "Let's find out"
Nurse:Let's try your left hand
Pokes one needle -"oops nothing coming out - let me poke it again" - pokes again - "hmm still not working - you are dehydrated" - pokes again - still no blood comes out - "not your lucky day huh?"
Voice in the head : "Tell me about it"
Nurse : "Let's try your right hand"
Nurse : "wow - finally its coming out - but it is very slow -you are very dehydrated. how many glasses of water did you have today?"
I : "I just had orange juice."
Voice in the head : "with lots of pulp"
Nurse : " Oh you should drink lots of water - especially today when you come for lab test"
Voice in the head : "Sorry didn't see you in my dreams last night so didnt know we were meeting today"
After a long pause -
I : "How much blood are we taking?"
Nurse : "5 testtubes - she is asking a lot out of you."
Voice in the head :oh
Nurse : " Are you feeling like fainting."
Voice in the head :no
Nurse : "Are you feeling okay"
Voice in the head :well..
Nurse : "There we go we are on our last one"
Voice in the head :ok
Nurse : "Once you get home drink lots of water"
Voice in the head :ok
Nurse : " And not just for blood tests but also generally drink lots of water"
Voice in the head :ok
Nurse : "Lots of people have fainted when we take out so much blood - remember always drink lots and lots of water"
Voice in the head : "ok - shutup"
P.S- presentation got postponed by 2 weeks ...
Use your new wine glasses. That will keep you hydrated.
i didnt take your wine glasses :) I only took normal glasses :) amongst rest of the stuff.
and if i took stuff from you why are you making it public ..i have some reputation here you see :)
It’s actually you who is making this public.
Reputation ... hmmm ... yes, you do have some. :)
wine glass klepto!!!!
shucks.... your reputation is ruined...
btw talking about wine.... going to goa this weekend... :-)
found this on the web... facts about drinking...
Good ones - so what are you generally - lemme guess - "Drunk"
(why is it so difficult to post comments on your blog!!!!!)
well when I blog I suffer from verbal diarrhoea and the other traits.. so you could say I'm 'Tipsy' and 'Plastered' in the third dimension...
'Drunk'... well I do have a permanent vision impairment... and have an insatiable appetite for food. And will do anything that moves. And I do possess an illogical belief that I am gorgeous despite dribbling and slobbering. OH MY GAAWD!!!!! I'm a perpetual 'drunk'... shucks I need to cover it up with a few pegs... hick... hick...
PS: entering comments on my blog is easy !!!! unless you are in one of the drunk states and suffer from vision impairment....
besides its to keep out those spammers who say "I loved your blog. Please visit this site and buy ...."
Ya right , but what did the test finally reveal??? Saurabh...
xyz count was high - 470 (normal range 0-35). But no worries. Things are dandy
dandy bole to?
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