Saturday, June 09, 2007

New York !

Have you seen a small kid, with mud on her face, with dirty clothes, eagerly peeping into a colorful party room. The thing that shines the most in the image is that small girl's eyes. And that's what I liked about New York, it made my eyes shine much more than the sight of Brad Pitt in Oceans 13.


Vik@$ said...

hi, just came across ur blogs thru shree's blog.. the description u have written abt NY is different and i like it.. as i have just been to newyork..i found it true..
u write nice stuf... keep writting...

Vik@$ said...

hi,i came across ur blog thru shree's blog.. i like the way u described the NY..recently i have been 2 NY and i found ur thoughts very true...u have written the best way to desc NY... NY rocks... Keep writting...